MZ double beam Gantry crane with Grab is an ideal crane withhigh efficiency and full functions. It is widely used in power plants, yard,workshop, bulk terminals, etc. The electric grab is used to capturegranular or scrap materials, such as ore, sand, carbon stone, slag, coke,coal, loose clay, etc. (the lifting capacity includes the weight of the grab).
Features: all operation is completed in the driver's cabin, the crane girder is of welded girderconstruction, weight overload protection device, top quality long time bearingpolyurethane materials buffer, crane traveling limit switch, voltage lowerprotection function, emergency stop system, current overload protection systemand so on.
This crane is recommended by WTO and match technical standardGB/T14406-93.
Characteristics: lifting capacity 5-10t, span 7-35m, lifting height 3-18m.
Control method: cabin/ pendent/ remote.
LINKS : Dongqi Crane