Brief Introducion:
Serving a wide range of industries, from waste water treatment and ash handling to aerospace and shipping, our team can easily meet various industry-specific compliance and regulations, and our China industry-leading clean room offerings are designed to meet the stringent standards set forth by China Beijing satellite manufacture factory . The whole complete crane structure was welded by stainless steel.
Clean Room Basics:
Products with sensitive components and production processes often require the use of hygienic rooms during the manufacturing process; these environments are kept free from dust, airborne microbes, chemical vapors, and other environmental contaminants.
Depending on the application, a specified level of contamination is set and must be adhered to.
Before the International Standards Organization (ISO) adopted standards, nearly all sanitary rooms were governed by GB5033-2002(100000 grade), which specifies cleanliness classification levels.
International standard ISO 14644-2, which is expected to eventually completely replace FS209E, describes the type and frequency of testing needed to meet certain standards and is the most common standard used today.
It is applied to be used in the following industries:
Food and beverage
Medical technology
LINKS : Dongqi Crane